Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of First Grade

Well, today was Sept 6, 2011 and Lucas and McKenna had their first day of first grade.

The day started of with the kids waking up WAY to early.  I mean they don't have to be on the bus 'til 8:59 so I don;t think it is necessary to be up at 6:00.  Granted Luke is quite the morning person, but we have rules about not getting up before 7:00.  The only problem is that instead of laying in bed being quiet he feels that he needs to wake Kenna since he is awake.  In his defense, they brokee their clock a while back and we never replaced it.  New clock...check.

Breakfast went over well.  Can't go wrong with pancakes on the first day of school!  Or ever for that matter.

Then Kenna, being the over dramatic girl she is, (teenage years should be fun) didn't like her leggings and had to change even though they were fine in the store.  Then she didn't like her hair so she kept messing with it until the curl from the braid she had the night before started to straighten.  Kenna has stick straight hair like her dad and it doesn't hold curl well and since she was complaining about not liking her hair she wouldn't let me spray it until the curl started to fall.  Then it wasn't curly enough.  Let's see.  The next problem was her socks.  She doesn't really have any plain white socks, so finding socks that would look ok became an ordeal and she had to change 4 times instead of just putting on the ones I had picked out.

By then I was pushing to get out the door so we could take pictures outside before walking to the bus stop. Now, Kenna does not like having her picture taken (at least not on her terms) so was intentionally being uncooperative.  Regardless, we did manage to get some nice pics taken.

Then it was time to walk to the bus.  This went okay.  We we a little early for the bus like the letter said and then the bus ended up being 10 minutes late.  The kids did a quick pose before getting on and of they went.  This was a major accomplishment for Kenna.  This summer when she went to summer school on the bus it was a battle everyday to get her on that bus.  I think it was a great help that Luke was with her and she knew that he had been given strict instructions to sit with her.

Mike and I then spent the morning running some errands and enjoying breakfast out alone.  The afternoon was kinda different since this was the first full day or school EVER for Luke and Kenna.  We spent some time in silence.  I baked the kids some bars for after school and then cut Mikes hair.  At about 11:30, Zoe started to get excited about every noise since last school year that was when she got to go for her daily car ride to pick up the kids from school.  She seemed kind of comcerned that her kids weren't home when the should be.

About 15 minutes before the kids were due home, we made our way to the bus stop.  We were early.  It (the bus) was almost exactly on time. 

We did what every parent does and asked how their first day was, what they did, who they met.  The awnsers were pretty much as expected.  Kenna didn't want to talk about it and Luke didn't stop talking.  The only thing was Luke was walking a head of me so I only got snippets of what he was saying.

As I said before, their was only one other child in their class from last year and from the sound of things the three of them stuck pretty tight together.

Once we returned home, the kids each had a snack and we headed outside to enjoy some beautiful weather because in this state winter could come next week.  You just never know here. 

 I did eventually get some information.

Doesn;t know the names of anyone in the class except Luke and D.
She didn't do anything in gym because she wanted to go home.
Lunch was good and her teacher helped her enter her pin.
She played by herself at recess (I knew this might be a problem since all her friends from last year are in other classes and she wont approach other kids to play.  They do have recess together, but she said they were just playing with the kids from their classes.)
She is looking forward to art tomorrow ... step in the right direction.

Also doesn't know any of the names of the chilren in this class except Kenna and D.
Sits in a pod with two girls and one other boy. (They are in separate pods)
His pod is blue.  Kenna's is black.
Lunch was good and he's looking forward to hot dogs tomorrow.
He also played by himself at recess.  The boy he thinks of as his best friend is in another class and Luke said he played with the kids from his class. D's best friend is in another class so D played with that boy instead of Luke.

I'm praying that McKenna quickly finds things about school that she loves (art and music).  I also pray that over the next week or two we start to hear the names of some of they other children in their class from both kids.  Kenna usually has a difficult time opening up to new people (including other children) so I would love for her to find just one other little girl who she can really become friends with who will remain her friend for years to come.  Luke on the other hand usually makes friends pretty easily, so I'm sure it wont take long before he starts to talk about his "new friend".

SO ...  the next chapter has just begun.  Ready ... Set ... GO!

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