Monday, August 29, 2011

Train Bell 2011

Last week we made our trek to the Brainerd Lakes Area for our stay at the Train Bell Resort.  We had a beautiful trip up on Monday and the kids were even able to get some swimming in.  They have a wonderful swim beach that is super shallow so the kids aren't forced to stay within 5 feet of land.  While there the kids spent a lot of time playing outside with Luke on his scooter and Kenna on the playground and in the sand.  In the evenings the kids enjoyed  movies nights and the dance party. During the day they were able to sneak in at the end of the minnow races and take a ride on the Train Bell Train.  On Tuesday, Mike made a trip to a nearby town with his mom, her husband and his daughter for some antique shopping.  Then Wednesday morning we returned for the kids to play on the community's wonderful playground and climb on a statue of a giant serpent.  Late Wednesday night we returned home.  Friday morning the kids met with their teacher to be evaluated for their reading levels and it was confirmed that Kenna will be in a program called reading recovery to help her get up to pace with her peers.  Friday afternoon the class lists went up.  Out of 23 children, they only have one other kid in their class from last year.   I'm sad that they will be missing some of their friends, BUT there is always recess and the opportunity to make SO many new fiends.  We then ended the week with a shopping trip for new tennis shoes. 

We now find ourselves a week from the start of school.  Luke had an eye check up today and his vision continues to become stronger in his left eye.  Tomorrow we'll be shopping for a couple of back to school outfits because ya gotta have that one new outfit for the first day of school.  Wednesday afternoon is their open house.  This is where they get to take their supplies to school and find their desks and lockers and I get to write checks for things like lunch and yearbooks.

As sad as I am that my kiddos will be entering first grade and school all day for the first time, I look forward to getting back in a routine and seeing them grow and learn.

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