Day two was a "things we need to do" day. Before I even crawled out of bed that morning the kids had Dad up and at 'em and they had already cleaned their room. The rest of the morning was spent trying on all of the kids' clothes to see what they did/didn't need for summer clothes. We moved some things around and found places for the kids' new to us dressers and got the playroom/guest room/Kenna's room reorganized. That afternoon we made a trip to Sam's Club for some stocking up. Gotta love Sundays at Sam's. We ate our fill in samples.
Day three started of like a school day. The kids got up, had some breakfast and got dressed for the day. The afternoon was planned for more fun. After spending the morning running some errands while the kids were at school we picked them up and headed to the Mall of America. We ate at Rainforest Cafe for the first time in a long time and the kids LOVED it. The gorillas and thunder and lightening was a big hit. Then we checked out LEGO Land before heading to Nikelodeon Universe at the MOA to ride some rides. The kids rode just about every ride they could and even got me on a couple. I'm pretty sure Kenna's favorite were the farris wheel and the log chute. Luke wanted to do the log chute again even though he was SOAKED when he got off.
I wish Mike and my mom could have enjoyed it with us.
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