Even though he got here April 1, we are going to call Saturday, April 2nd day once since it was his first full day here.
Usually when my dad comes to visit we have so many jobs that "need" to be done around here that we don't have as much fun as I would always like. This time we managed to do a lot of both.
Saturday mornings when I get home from work I usually try to take a nap for a few hours. Well on day one of my dad's visit the weather was predicted to be pretty nice out. It was also the first weekend that the Minnesota Zoo had their zoo babies are. So we used day one as Zoo Day.
First thing we did when we got to the zoo was visit the tropics trail in order to let it warm up a bit before heading outside. Then since it was lunchtime we got something to eat. Next we went to check out the dolphins and were lucky enough to arrive just as they were starting a training session. It was fun to see the new baby dolphin learning all the tricks. Then we headed out to walk the outside trail and head up to the farm. Along the way we saw the baby camel. The tiger was out and about. The bears were having a wrestling match. And the rest or the animals were doing their things. At the farm we saw some three-day old piglets and 2 two-week old calves named Delilah and Penelope. As well as the goats, cows, chickens and rabbits.
After the farm, we finished making our way around outdoor trail and then finished off the day with a trip to Dairy Queen.
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