We started the weekend with me getting off work Christmas Eve morning and driving home on snow covered roads after yet ANOTHER snowfall. That may sound like a bad start to the weekend, but there wasn't much traffic on the roads and knew I didn't have to work that night so I didn't mind. After a couple hour nap, I got up and we made the choice to attend the 3:00 Christmas Eve service. We all got cleaned up and dress. For a while Mike even started to think he might feel good enough to go to his aunt's. With that in mind we headed to church. The kids behaved so well in church I was actually able to pay attention to the sermon.
Buy the time church had ended, Mike was starting to feel pretty poorly and decided to was going to stay home after all. Despite that, we decided that the kids and I would still go and he would stay home and try to get a little rest. I put together my veggie pizzas to take and off we went. I'm so glad we did. Normally for Christmas Eve we have appetizers and then exchange white elephant gifts and play some games. This year, since Mike wasn't there we just decided to go to eat. Before eating I got a chance to spend so time having some fun time talking with Mike's cousins and family. The food was great as usual.
When we got home, the kids put out their reindeer food and we crawled into our new jammies, cuddled a bit and then put out cookies and milk for Santa and headed to bed.
Christmas morning came early. This year we actually woke the kids at 6:00 since Mike and I could no longer sleep due to difficult breathing and coughing from our colds. It was the best Christmas morning since they were born! They finally are able to really take their time opening gifts and enjoyed everything they got. Santa brought Luke his remote controlled monster truck and Kenna's remote controlled Barbie car. Luke got LEGOs and hot wheels roads. Kenna got Barbie stuff, littlest pest shop, and tangled stuff. They both got movies, puzzles, books, games, and art stuff. I received a beautiful necklace from the kids that has four hearts on it, which I was told stands for our family. Mike gave me a digital frame. He receive a rechargeable trouble light that he wanted and the kids gave him a new video game. We both received US Mint watches from my parents.
After spending some time at home opening gifts we went over to Mike's mom's house to have brunch and open gift there. We had some yummy food, opened presents and then some of them played a game. The kids both got a pillow pet and Kenna got some Barbie clothes and Luke got a floor puzzle of the USA.
The rest of the day was family time. We kicked back, relaxed, played with the new gifts and watched one of their new movies.
Sunday brought a quiet day. I spent a lot of time helping Luke build with his LEGOS. We worked with their new art kits tracing fairies and cars and decorating them. We played some games and watched a little football. We event found time to fit in another movie. It was a good day.
Now Christmas is over and the tree must come down in the next day or so and we have to get back in the swing of laundry and getting all the toys (old and new) put in their places. Oh yeah, and the kids are chomping at the bit to go spend the gift cards they received so we have to do that too. SO...HERE...WE...GO
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