Luckily some of my patients were smart enough to cancel and I was able to stay home instead of trying to make it work. After finding out, Friday afternoon, that I would not have to work I decided to make a list and brave the grocery store. It was a mad house there with everyone trying to stock up before the weekend. If we wouldn't have been out of a number of things I probably would have just skipped it. Then it was home to hang with the family and ride out the storm.
Due to the storm most of the state was shut down. That's saying something because anyone that lives in a state that gets lots of snow knows it take A LOT to stop people from going out when it snows. Not that it stopped everyone. There were plenty of people who braved the streets. Many of which ended up stuck. We were supposed to have Christmas program practice at church, but shortly after I had decided that we were going to skip, it was canceled with practice reschedule to Sunday school hour the next day.
Sunday we did manage to make it out of the garage. Thank goodness we have an SUV with AWD. I think if I would have tried to make it in my car we would have been stuck somewhere along the way. Because the snow did not stop until late Saturday eve and due to the sheer amount of snow many on the roads and intersections had yet to be cleared. When we did get to church, we were told that practice was canceled and the program along with yet. The reschedule date is yet TBD.
Yesterday I shoveled off part of the balcony. We had had a 2 1/2 - 3 foot drift on it and we wanted to get some of the weight off. It's amazing how much that snow weighs even if it isn't the
wet stuff that come with warmer temps. The snow that covered the roof of the Metrodome is estimated to have weighed about 1300 tons and actually caused the roof to collapse.
I'm so glad we were able to get out of our garage because we couldn't open our front door until this afternoon due to the 2 1/2 foot drift against our door. Our snow removal company was finally able to come in and to a more thorough cleaning job. We now have a snow pile next to our house that is well over 10 feet tall. We have tree more months of winter and I have NO IDEA where they are going to put more snow.
Needless to say, I am already tired of winter. I know I grew up with snow and choose to live in a State where it snows, but this is kind of crazy. The one positive is that it has truly gotten me in the Christmas spirit. Tree has been up for weeks, presents are wrapped and stockings are hung.
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