Halloween came and went. Halloween fell on Sunday this year. Because of my work schedule we decided to carve pumpkins the Tuesday before. Well, I thought it would be best to store them in the garage. I thought this would be better that storing them in the house or on our deck. WRONG! They rotted in the garage and we weren't able to put them out for Halloween. Oh well. Carving them was fun and we learned a lesson. Next year we wait until Sunday to carve. (Halloween will be on Monday)
Luke and Kenna had a great time at their school party. Luke went as an
Astronaut because he had an Iron Man costume and we got a note from the school stating they were not to wear anything depicting violence. We talked about it an decided that even though Iron Man is a good guy, the movie does have violence and it would be better if he had a different costume for school. Turns out that a couple other boys in their class were Iron Man. We stand by our decision and explained to Luke that he got another costume he can play around the house in out of the deal. He was okay with that.
Trick or treating brought home a haul. We hit up the neighbors in our circle. Then we stopped by the home of some friends and the home of our babysitter and Mike's childhood daycare lady. Our babysitter is the Granddaughter of Mike's childhood day care lady. Then we made our way to Mike's Mom's house. Mike hung out there while the kids and I made our way up and down her street. By 8:00 we had accomplished our goal of getting a "hundred-thousand-billion" pieces of candy and headed home to grab something to eat and get the kids to bed.
Monday was a rough day. The kids had had too much sugar and not enough sleep. We were able to end the day on good terms and I think we all got decent sleep. Now we're off to school, voting and some errands. Very short week for the kids this week due to parent teacher conferences. Then we get to start thinking towards my favorite holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas.