I promise I'll take some time soon tp get up Halloween pics. Until then, here are the newest pictures of the twins. These are their first school pictures. They were just about 3 1/2 when they were taken.
Have you ever just decided to go surprise someone? Well, on September 26 our niece turned 1. So, Saturday morning after Amy got off work we packed up the kids and Amy drove 500 miles to surprise her family. We attended Claire's birthday party and then headed out to the farm. Sunday, we all went to church and then the kids got to play outside at Grandma's and Grandpa's before heading back to Untie Pammy's in Washburn. Monday morning we left and headed back to the cities. It was a very fast, but very enjoyable if not needed trip. I forgot my camera ... dumb me. So no pics for now.
Saturday evening we spent some great time as a family listening to tunes, baking some cookies, and dancing around. Looks like we have some performers in our future.
Over the weekend while we were at our friend's wedding we noticed a crack in our windshield. When we went to have it fixed on Monday, we were told that it was unrepairable. The inevitable had happened. We had to get rid of Amy's 13 year old Grand Prix. Well, Amy freaked out. We just weren't looking forward to making 2 car payments. We really wanted to get the Explorer paid off first. When Amy was having her small melt down she began to cry. Kenna wanted to know why mommy was crying. The conversation went some thing like this.
K: Mommy, why you crying? M: The red car is too broken to fix and mommy is upset about the money it will take to replace it. K: Mommy, you can have the money in my piggy bank. Then you wont cry anymore. M: That's ok, Baby, you keep your money. K: Mommy, it will be ok. We go get a new car and you be happy.
So, on Tuesday we traded in our 1995 Grand Prix for a 2005 Grand Prix. It was kind of a sad day. That car was good to Amy for many years. Luke took it pretty hard. He really loved the red car and asked a few times if we can take the black one back. It is all a little stressful, but we'll get through it. We always do.
September 13th Amy celebrated her 30th Birthday. She was happy to share her day wth a good friend of theirs, Tom Laing, and his beautiful bride Rachel. The kids had a blast and danced the night away.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The quality isn't very good, but I couldn't resist. Kenna was so darn cute singing the ABCs.
Yep. This morning Luke and Kenna rode the bus for the first time. As of this morning they are now going to speech twice a week and they ride a school bus. They absolutely loved it. When they got home Kenna even asked if they could go again tomorrow. We are hoping that this love for school will last for about the next 20 years or so.
On our last day at The Train Bell we spent about 3 hours enjoying their beautiful swim beach. The water only weny up to Mike's knees for a good 100 yards or more and the bottom was super sandy. Perfect for the twins to swim in. The sandy beach was wonderful for making sand castles. Couldn't have asked for better.
The resort we stayed at near Brainerd was called the Train Bell Resort. The owner built this little wooden train. They kids really enjoyed crawling on it and playing on the playground.
On our first vacation this summer we stopped to show the kids the worlds largest Holstein. So, on our second vacation to Brainerd, we decided we better stop in Garrison, MN and show them the big fish.
All summer Mike has been working under the hood of our 1960 Studebaker Lark. I'm happy to say that for the time being he is done and it is running great! We even spent this last weekend at The Car Craft Summer Nationals at the Minnesota State Fair grounds showing it off.
Then, on Monday, we spent a few hours cleaning the kids' room and setting up their new "big kid" beds. When Luke found out that their old bed really were leaving for good he had a small panic attack, but ultimately thier first night in their new bed went great. Just another sign that our "babies" are growing up.